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Did you know that minimizing yours and your family’s food waste can help the environment?  One way to start living a more sustainable lifestyle is to look in the kitchen and reduce your food waste.  This month to celebrate Earth Day I am committed to reducing my food waste as a small part to help our planet.  I want to share simple ways with you on the benefits of reducing food waste and how to do so. 

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, reducing foods waste will help limit the amount of food that gets sent to landfills which affects the planet and will help improve our air quality.  Saving food and utilizing all parts to reduce food waste also saves resources.  Keep in mind, resources like water, gas, energy, labor, land, etc. that are used to create and grow food, also gets wasted when food is wasted.

Below are some tips to help you find ways to reduce your food waste, be more cost-effective, and support the environment.

Cook Once Eat Twice
: Use the same protein for two different meals. For instance, grilled chicken breast can be added to pasta and veggies for dinner, then the next day can be used for tacos at lunch.

Proper Storage
: The correct storage method can help extend the shelf life of your food, especially produce that spoils quickly.  Produce items that should be kept at room temperature (and not refrigerated) are potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, and onions. 

I suggest that you separately store foods that produce gas and can enhance the ripening of other produce these include bananas, avocados, tomatoes, cantaloupes, peaches, pears, and green onion, these items do not need to be refrigerated.

 Some kinds of “leftover” produce can be saved and blended or juiced at the end of the week. Think broccoli stalks, kale stems, carrot tips, strawberry tops, overripe bananas, these parts of produce we typically throw out are just as nutritious and delicious

Sip on Soup
: Create stock from leftover chicken, turkey, beef, and ham bones.

Give these methods a try and you will see how finding ways to reduce food waste is easy to fit in your lifestyle and support a healthier planet.   

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my ‘corner.’ If you want more nutrition and recipe inspiration, follow our Instagram page (@TheFreshGrocer), where I will be sharing nutrition tips all month long.

In Good Health, 

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